
decomposition documents

Jorge da Cruz | my integration documents-Printing, Drawing, Photo on paper 21X210mm x 297mm - 2010© Bethanien, Berlin

Jorge da Cruz | my integration documents-Printing, Drawing, Photo on paper 21X210mm x 297mm - 2010© Bethanien, Berlin

In Berlin, a city where the interplay of geographical location and climate shapes its identity, a poetic dance unfolds between light and shadow. Situated at a latitude where four distinct seasons gracefully transition, the city experiences radiant summers and dark, fleeting winters. Berlin's continental climate, characterized by harsh winters and warm summers, adds a unique character to the city's atmosphere. Seasonal shifts, often accompanied by overcast skies, contribute to a sense of perpetual darkness. During winter, heavy cloud cover obscures natural sunlight, enveloping the city in an enigmatic, shadowy ambiance that becomes intrinsic to its rhythm.

These atmospheric nuances lay the foundation for "Decomposition Documents," where Berlin's unique climate and geographical backdrop merge with the artist's narrative. It's within this intricate atmospheric mystique that the artist embarks on a poignant autobiographical journey.

The artist's story unfolds against the backdrop of their first encounter with Berlin, a city that captured their heart during the earliest days of their arrival. The connection to the city is so profound that they found themselves portrayed in the last photo, standing in front of a gelataria in Barcelona where this artistic work was conceived – a city that marked the artist's first holiday after their arrival in Berlin.

This journey of transition, while deeply personal, resonates with the broader context of integration challenges faced by newcomers when they arrive in a new country. Particularly over the past decade, the world has witnessed the dramatic rise of extreme right-wing ideologies, which has added layers of complexity to the integration process. These challenges, a prevailing theme within "Decomposition Documents," reflect the artist's experiences, serving as a microcosm of the larger immigrant experience in a changing world.

Through the lens of memory, "Decomposition Documents" embarks on a profound exploration of the intricacies of human consciousness. The images and drawings within the collection serve as fragments of life's mosaic, where fading recollections of the past intermingle with indelible imprints that refuse to fade. This dynamic, the interplay between the ephemeral and the enduring, is heightened by the unique climatic conditions of Berlin, where the city's darkness and light mirror the complex layers of the human psyche.

This artistic journey is elevated by the use of a low-cost DIANA+ plastic camera, emphasizing the artistry of imperfection. Each photograph encapsulates mere seconds, captured through a curious, hopeful, and loving lens. The lack of technical perfection enhances the authenticity of the work, rendering it raw, genuine, and deeply emotional.

"Decomposition Documents" extends beyond the realm of imagery, embracing 20 paper objects, each a fusion of photographs and text, presented in the form of topics and loose ideas. These objects breathe life into a narrative that beckons viewers to reflect on the beauty found in life's unfiltered, unrefined moments. In doing so, the work encapsulates not only the essence of Berlin but also the very essence of humanity.